Below you will find our Scaffolding Price Estimator. This free scaffolding calculator was designed so that you as a consumer or scaffolding company, can generate a price estimate for a variety of scaffolding projects.
Here is the background behind how we developed the scaffolding price estimator.
Each company has its own method of creating a scaffolding quote, so we hope that with a better understanding of the calculations we used, you will be able to adapt the price estimator / calculator to your needs.
Tubular Scaffolding Price Estimator
90% of scaffolding projects in the United Kingdom are straight forward tubular scaffolding jobs. Tube & Clamp scaffolding is more flexible than modular scaffolding systems.
There are a few reasons why the United Kingdom still uses tube & clamp scaffolding, and has not upgraded to Modular scaffolding like the rest of the world.
The number one reason is the price of modular scaffolding. The price of tubes for a modular scaffold is between 3 and 5 times more expensive than regular aluminum poles.
Also, modular scaffolding systems come from a few different manufacturers, and each one uses its own standard. Meaning, a modular system from Kwikstage is not the same as from CupLock.
Programming the Calculator
The estimator starts with calculating the square meters of scaffolding for a 1 side, 2 side, 3 side or 4 side scaffolding tower.
A scaffolding tower that will be erected against one wall, will be a 1 sided tower. If you are going to have scaffolding on the front and back of a home or building, then you want to create 2 – one sided tower estimates. (Don’t forget, A two sided scaffold is built in an L shape. An L-shaped scaffold has a corner area which extends past the end of the building. This adds extra tubes and boards.)
To obtain a proper price estimate, you need to measure the scaffolding accurately.
The scaffolders’ estimated price per square meter is accurate for January 2024 and set at £18 per square meter of scaffold. Depending on your city or region, the price may be slightly higher or lower.